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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Anna Karenina Pendant

I read Anna Karenina when I was young and I always thought this was a great novel. There are some things that can be discussed when it comes to what Tolstoi wanted when he wrote the novel, but it's a great reading material overall. I loved how Anna was crafted, she was a complex female character, perhaps too similar to women than they might want to acknowledge. She was a romantic, looking for love, for passion and for a complete relationship with another person. However, due to the environment, the period and those around her, including her loved, things weren't pretty for her in the end. Apparently Tolstoy wanted to show that the traits and ways of life that were promoted by liberals in those times such as the less significant institution of marriage, were degrading a person's moral and mental stability, and in the end, they had to suffer. I don't necessarily agree with it, but he must have changed some perspective in some.

Here I tried to recreate the main female character, a beautiful woman with a sad look, a woman seen perfect through the eyes of others. She had black curly hair and an amazing elegance.

Am citit Anna Karenina cand eram mica si mereu mi s-a parut un roman fain. Sunt niste lucruri discutabile cand vine vorba despre motivul pentru care Tolstoi a scris aceasta carte, dar per total este o carte buna. Mi-a placut cum a fost "tesuta" Anna, era o femeie complexa, poate prea similara cu femeile in general, mult prea similara decat ar vrea multe sa recunoasca. Era romantica si cauta dragostea, pasiunea si o relatie completa cu o alta persoana. Totusi, datorita mediului, perioadei si a oamenilor din jurul ei, chiar si iubitul ei, lucrurile nu au fost tocmai bune pentru ea in final. Aparent Tolstoi a dorit sa arate ca lumii trasaturile si modul de viata promovate de liberali in acele timpuri, cum ar fi o institutia a casatoriei mai putin importanta, ar fi degradat o persoana nu numai dpdv moral dar si emotional, iar in final, acestia ar fi suferit. Nu sunt de acord neaparat cu opinia lui dar probabil aceasta carte a schimbat perspectivele multor oameni. 

Aici am incercat sa recreez personajul feminin principal, o femeie frumoasa cu o privire trista, o femeie care era vazuta ca si perfecta in ochii celorlalti. Anna avea parul negru si o eleganta aparte.

fetita fimo, girl polymer clay

fetita fimo, girl polymer clay

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